

Geplaatst op vrijdag 23 oktober 2020 @ 14:53 door -Postman- , 672 keer bekeken

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TV series 1989-1996 | drama, horror, science fiction, fantasy | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 The Man Who Was Death

S01E02 And All Through the House

S01E03 Only Dig That Cat...He's Real Gone

S01E04 Only Sin Deep

S01E05 Lover Come Hack to Me

S01E06 Collection Completed


S02E01 Dead Right

S02E02 The Switch

S02E03 Cutting Cards

S02E04 'Til Death

S02E05 Three's a Crowd

S02E06 The Thing from the Grave

S02E07 The Sacrifice
S02E08 For Cryin' Out Loud
S02E09 Four-Sided Triangle
S02E10 The Ventriloquist's Dummy

S02E11 Judy, You're Not Yourself Today

S02E12 Fitting Punishment

S02E13 Korman's Kalamity

S02E14 Lower Berth

S02E15 Mute Witness to Murder

S02E16 Television Terror

S02E17 My Brother's Keeper

S02E18 The Secret


S03E01 Loved to Death

S03E02 Carrion Death

S03E03 The Trap

S03E04 Abra Cadaver

S03E05 Top Billing

S03E06 Dead Wait

S03E07 The Reluctant Vampire

S03E08 Easel Kill Ya

S03E09 Undertaking Palor

S03E10 Mournin' Mess

S03E11 Split Second

S03E12 Deadline

S03E13 Spoiled

S03E14 Yellow


S04E01 None But the Lonely Heart

S04E02 This'll Kill Ya

S04E03 On a Deadman's Chest

S04E04 Seance

S04E05 Beauty Rest

S04E06 What's Cookin'

S04E07 The New Arrival

S04E08 Showdown

S04E09 King of the Road

S04E10 Maniac at Large

S04E11 Split Personality

S04E12 Strung Along

S04E13 Werewolf Concerto

S04E14 Curiosity Killed


S05E01 Death of Some Salesmen

S05E02 As Ye Sow

S05E03 Forever Ambergris

S05E04 Food for Thought

S05E05 People Who Live in Brass Hearses

S05E06 Two for the Show

S05E07 House of Horror

S05E08 Well Cooked Hams

S05E09 Creep Course

S05E10 Came the Dawn

S05E11 Oil's Well That Ends Well

S05E12 Half-Way Horrible

S05E13 Till Death Do We Part


S06E01 Let the Punishment Fit the Crime

S06E02 Only Skin Deep

S06E03 Whirlpool

S06E04 Operation Friendship

S06E05 Revenge Is the Nuts

S06E06 The Bribe

S06E07 The Pit

S06E08 The Assassin

S06E09 Staired in Horror

S06E10 In the Groove

S06E11 Surprise Party

S06E12 Doctor of Horror

S06E13 Comes the Dawn

S06E14 99 & 44/100% Pure Horror

S06E15 You, Murderer


S07E01 Fatal Caper

S07E02 Last Respects

S07E03 A Slight Case of Murder

S07E04 Escape

S07E05 Horror in the Night

S07E06 Cold War

S07E07 Kidnapper

S07E08 Report from the Grave

S07E09 Smoke Wrings

S07E10 About Face

S07E11 Confession

S07E12 Ear Today.. Gone Tomorrow

S07E13 The Third Pig

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