

Geplaatst op zaterdag 22 januari 2022 @ 15:45 door -Postman- , 443 keer bekeken

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   720p/1080p high definition | full screen knop wordt na start rechts onderaan zichtbaar
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          TV series 1960-1962 | thriller, horror, drama | remastered b/w | status: cancelled/ended

          anthology series of scary mystery stories


S01E00 Promotion With Boris Karloff

S01E01 The Twisted Image

S01E02 Child's Play

S01E03 Worse Than Murder

S01E04 The Mark of the Hand

S01E05 Rose's Last Summer

S01E06 The Guilty Men

S01E07 The Purple Room

S01E08 The Watcher

S01E09 Girl With a Secret

S01E10 The Prediction

S01E11 The Fatal Impulse

S01E12 The Big Blackout

S01E13 Knock Three-One-Two

S01E14 Man in the Middle

S01E15 The Cheaters

S01E16 The Hungry Glass

S01E17 The Poisoner

S01E18 Man in the Cage

S01E19 Choose a Victim

S01E20 Hay-Fork and Bill-Hook

S01E21 The Merriweather File

S01E22 The Fingers of Fear

S01E23 Well of Doom
S01E24 The Ordeal of Dr. Cordell
S01E25 Trio for Terror
S01E26 Papa Benjamin

S01E27 Late Date

S01E28 Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper

S01E29 The Devil's Ticket

S01E30 Parasite Mansion

S01E31 A Good Imagination

S01E32 Mr. George

S01E33 Terror in Teakwood

S01E34 The Prisoner in the Mirror

S01E35 Dark Legacy

S01E36 Pigeons From Hell

S01E37 The Grim Reaper


S02E01 What Beckoning Ghost?

S02E02 Guillotine

S02E03 The Premature Burial

S02E04 The Weird Tailor

S02E05 God Grante That She Lye Stille

S02E06 Masquerade

S02E07 The Last of the Sommervilles

S02E08 Letter to a Lover

S02E09 A Third for Pinochle

S02E10 The Closed Cabinet

S02EP11 Dialogues with Death

S02EP12 The Return of Andrew Bentley

S02EP13 The Remarkable Mrs. Hawk

S02EP14 Portrait Without a Face

S02EP15 An Attractive Family

S02EP16 Waxworks

S02EP17 La Strega

S02EP18 The Storm

S02EP19 A Wig for Miss Devore

S02EP20 The Hollow Watcher
S02E21 Cousin Tundifer
S2EP22 The Incredible Doktor Markesan
S02E23 Flowers of Evil
S02E24 'Til Death Do Us Part

S02E25 The Bride Who Died Twice

S02E26 Kill My Love

S02E27 Man of Mystery

S02E28 The Innocent Bystanders

S02E29 The Lethal Ladies

S02E30 The Specialists


brief summary:
There do exist a handful of dark and gruesome shows like Thriller over the years and decades that contain some overlap -
or at least should scratch the itch of Twilight Zone, Amazing Stories, Tales From The Crypt and The Outer Limits fans

The show featured host Boris Karloff introducing a mix of macabre horror tales and suspense thrillers
Each episode has a self-contained story and its own cast
As the title suggests, each story is a thriller of some variety, from tales of the supernatural to down-to-earth whodunits

    Biography: Boris Karloff (British actor)

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