

Geplaatst op dinsdag 29 oktober 2024 @ 22:00 door -Postman- , 89 keer bekeken

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TV series 1973-1976 | crime, drama, fantasy, horror, mystery, suspense, thriller | status: cancelled/ended

anthology series of scary mystery stories (incomplete)


S01E01 not avaiable

S01E02 Possession

S01E03 Someone at the Top of the Stairs

S01E04 An Echo of Theresa

S01E05 The Colour of Blood

S01E06 Murder in Mind

S01E07 A Place to Die

S01E08 File It Under Fear

S01E09 The Eyes Have It

S01E10 Spell of Evil


S02E01 Only a Scream Away

S02E02 Once the Killing Starts

S02E03 Kiss Me and Die

S02E04 One Deadly Owner

S02E05 Ring Once for Death

S02E06 K Is for Killing

S02E07 Sign It Death

S02E08 Who Killed Lamb


S03E01 A Coffin for the Bride

S03E02 I'm the Girl He Wants to Kill

S03E03 Death to Sister Mary

S03E04 In the Steps of a Dead Man

S03E05 Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

S03E06 The Next Scream You Hear


S04E01 Screamer

S04E02 Nurse Will Make It Better

S04E03 Night Is the Time for Killing

S04E04 Killer with Two Faces

S04E05 A Killer in Every Corner

S04E06 Where the Action Is


S05E01 If It's a Man - Hang Up!

S05E02 The Double Kill

S05E03 Won't Write Home, Mom - I'm Dead

S05E04 The Crazy Kill

S05E05 Good Salary - Prospects - Free Coffin

S05E06 The Next Voice You See

S05E07 Murder Motel


S06E01 Sleepwalker

S06E02 The Next Victim

S06E03 Nightmare for a Nightingale

S06E04 Dial a Deadly Number

S06E05 Kill Two Birds

S06E06 A Midsummer Nightmare

S06E07 Death in Deep Water


brief summary:
There do exist a handful of dark and gruesome shows like Thriller over the years and decades that contain some overlap -
or at least should scratch the itch of Twilight Zone, Amazing Stories, Tales From The Crypt and The Outer Limits fans

The show featured host Boris Karloff introducing a mix of macabre horror tales and suspense thrillers
Each episode has a self-contained story and its own cast
As the title suggests, each story is a thriller of some variety, from tales of the supernatural to down-to-earth whodunits

    Biography: Boris Karloff (British actor)

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