

Geplaatst op vrijdag 13 november 2020 @ 18:34 door -Postman- , 1546 keer bekeken

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TV series 1995-2002| science fiction, fantasy, horror, drama | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 The Sandkings

S01E02 Valerie 23

S01E03 Blood Brothers

S01E04 The Second Soul

S01E05 White Light Fever

S01E06 The Choice

S01E07 Virtual Future

S01E08 Living Hell

S01E09 Corner of the Eye

S01E10 Under the Bed

S01E11 Dark Matters

S01E12 The Conversion

S01E13 Quality of Mercy

S01E14 The New Breed

S01E15 The Voyage Home

S01E16 Caught in the Act

S01E17 The Message

S01E18 I, Robot

S01E19 If These Walls Could Talk

S01E20 Birthright

S01E21 The Voice of Reason


S02E01 A Stitch in Time

S02E02 Resurrection

S02E03 Unnatural Selection

S02E04 I Hear You Calling

S02E05 Mind Over Matter

S02E06 Beyond the Veil

S01E07 First Anniversary

S01E08 Straight and Narrow

S01E09 Trial by Fire

S01E10 Worlds Apart

S01E11 The Refuge

S02E12 Inconstant Moon

S02E13 From Within

S02E14 The Heist

S02E15 Afterlife

S02E16 The Deprogrammers

S02E17 Paradise

S02E18 The Light Brigade

S02E19 Falling Star

S02E20 Out of Body

S02E21 Vanishing Act

S02E22 The Sentence


S03E01 Bits of Love

S03E02 Second Thoughts

S03E03 Re-generation

S03E04 Last Supper

S03E05 Stream of Consciousness

S03E06 Dark Rain

S03E07 The Camp

S03E08 Heart's Desire

S03E09 Tempests

S03E10 The Awakening

S03E11 New Lease

S03E12 Double Helix

S03E13 Dead Man's Switch

S03E14 Music of the Spheres

S03E15 The Revelations of 'Becka Paulson

S03E16 Bodies of Evidence

S03E17 Feasibility Study

S03E18 A Special Edition


S04E01 Criminal Nature

S04E02 The Hunt

S04E03 Hearts and Minds

S04E04 In Another Life

S04E05 In the Zone

S04E06 Relativity Theory

S04E07 Josh

S04E08 Rite of Passage

S04E09 Glyphic

S04E10 Identity Crisis

S04E11 The Vaccine

S04E12 Fear Itself

S04E13 The Joining

S04E14 To Tell the Truth

S04E15 Mary 25

S04E16 Final Exam

S04E17 Lithia

S04E18 Monster

S04E19 Sarcophagus

S04E20 Nightmare

S04E21 Promised Land

S04E22 The Balance of Nature

S04E23 The Origin of Species

S04E24 Phobos Rising

S04E25 Black Box

S04E26 In Our Own Image


S05E01 Alien Radio (a.k.a. Dead Air)

S05E02 Donor

S05E03 Small Friends

S05E04 The Grell

S05E05 The Other Side

S05E06 Joyride

S05E07 The Human Operators

S05E08 Blank Slate

S05E09 What Will the Neighbors Think?

S05E10 The Shroud

S05E11 Ripper

S05E12 Tribunal

S05E13 Summit

S05E14 Descent

S05E15 The Haven

S05E16 Deja Vu

S05E17 The Inheritors

S05E18 Essence of Life

S05E19 Stranded

S05E20 Fathers and Sons

S05E21 Starcrossed

S05E22 Better Luck Next Time


S06E01 Judgment Day

S06E02 The Gun

S06E03 Skin Deep

S06E04 Manifest Destiny

S06E05 Breaking Point

S06E06 The Beholder

S06E07 Seeds of Destruction

S06E08 Simon Says

S06E09 Stasis

S06E10 Down to Earth

S06E11 The Inner Child

S06E12 Glitch

S06E13 Decompression

S06E14 Abaddon

S06E15 The Grid

S06E16 Revival

S06E17 Gettysburg

S06E18 Something About Harry

S06E19 Zig Zag

S06E20 Nest

S06E21 Final Appeal (1)

S06E22 Final Appeal (2)


S07E01 Family Values

S07E02 Patient Zero

S07E03 A New Life

S07E04 The Surrogate

S07E05 The Vessel

S07E06 Mona Lisa

S07E07 Replica

S07E08 Think Like a Dinosaur

S07E09 Alien Shop

S07E10 Worlds Within

S07E11 In the Blood

S07E12 Flower Child

S07E13 Free Spirit

S07E14 Mindreacher

S07E15 Time to Time

S07E16 Abduction

S07E17 Rule of Law

S07E18 Lion's Den

S07E19 The Tipping Point

S07E20 Dark Child

S07E21 The Human Factor

S07E22 Human Trials

brief summary:
A modern revival of the classic science fiction horror anthology show The Outer Limits (1963)
Episodes often have twist-endings and involve aliens
Sometimes, a story from one episode continues in a later episode

Like the classic 1960s series of the same name, each episode is a celebration of the human imagination in which humanity's exploration of new
frontiers in technology, outer space and the human experience reveal our greatest hopes and darkest fears
Stories on The Outer Limits have explored the consequences of such controversial and thought-provoking topics as genetic manipulation, alien
visitation and life after death

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We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
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