

Geplaatst op maandag 10 januari 2022 @ 22:00 door -Postman- , 493 keer bekeken

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TV series 1983-1988 | drama, horror, science fiction, fantasy | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 The New Man
S01E02 I'll Give You a Million
S01E03 Pain Killer
S01E04 The Odds
S01E05 Mookie and Pookie

S01E06 Slippage
S01E07 Inside the Closet
S01E08 The Word Processor of the Gods
S01E09 A Case of the Stubborns

S01E10 Djinn, No Chaser

S01E11 All a Clone by the Telephone

S01E12 In the Cards

S01E13 Anniversary Dinner

S01E14 Snip, Snip

S01E15 Answer Me

S01E16 The Tear Collector

S01E17 Madness Room

S01E18 If the Shoes Fit...

S01E19 Levitation

S01E20 It All Comes Out in the Wash

S01E21 Bigalow's Last Smoke

S01E22 Grandma's Last Wish

S01E23 The False Prophet


S02E01 The Impressionist

S02E02 Lifebomb

S02E03 Ring Around the Redhead

S02E04 Parlour Floor Front

S02E05 Halloween Candy

S02E06 The Satanic Piano

S02E07 The Devil's Advocate

S02E08 Distant Signals

S02E09 The Trouble with Mary Jane

S02E10 Ursa Minor

S02E11 Effect and Cause

S02E12 Monsters in My Room

S02E13 Comet Watch

S02E14 Dream Girl

S02E15 A New Lease on Life

S02E16 Printer's Devil

S02E17 The Shrine

S02E18 The Old Soft Shoe

S02E19 The Last Car

S02E20 A Choice of Dreams

S02E21 Strange Love

S02E22 The Unhappy Medium

S02E23 Fear of Floating

S02E24 The Casavin Curse


S03E01 The Circus

S03E02 I Can't Help Saying Goodbye

S03E03 The Bitterest Pill

S03E04 Florence Bravo

S03E05 The Geezenstacks

S03E06 Black Widows

S03E07 Heretic

S03E08 A Serpent's Tooth

S03E09 Baker's Dozen

S03E10 Deliver Us from Goodness

S03E11 Seasons of Belief

S03E12 Miss May Dusa

S03E13 The Milkman Cometh

S03E14 My Ghostwriter, The Vampire

S03E15 My Own Place

S03E16 Red Leader

S03E17 Everybody Needs a Little Love

S03E18 Auld Acquaintances

S03E19 The Social Climber

S03E20 The Swap

S03E21 Let the Games Begin

S03E22 The Enormous Radio


S04E01 Beetles

S04E02 Mary, Mary

S04E03 The Spirit Photographer

S04E04 The Moth

S04E05 No Strings

S04E06 The Grave Robber

S04E07 The Yattering and Jack

S04E08 Seymourlama

S04E09 Sorry, Right Number

S04E10 Payment Overdue

S04E11 Love Hungry

S04E12 The Deal

S04E13 The Apprentice

S04E14 The Cutty Black Sow

S04E15 Do Not Open This Box

S04E16 Family Reunion

S04E17 Going Native

S04E18 Hush

S04E19 Barter

S04E20 Basher Malone

brief summary:
Each episode presents another standalone story of horror fantasy, and/or science fiction
Some episodes are gruesome, a few are of a lighter comedic style

Like many such shows, Tales... adapted the work of famous genre authors of the period such as Harlan Ellison, Stephen King, and Clive Barker
Many episodes also featured veteran actors of the 40's and 50's that saw very little work in their later years

"The Darkside is always there waiting for us to enter; waiting to enter us
 Until next time, try to enjoy the daylight"

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This blog features media from various outlets and channels - We have no connection with the sites or the servers, we are just providing information
We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
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