

Geplaatst op zaterdag 22 januari 2022 @ 15:30 door -Postman- , 452 keer bekeken

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TV series 2008-2009 | drama, science fiction, action, thriller | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 Pilot

S01E02 Gnothi Seauton

S01E03 The Turk

S01E04 Heavy Metal

S01E05 Queen's Gambit

S01E06 Dungeons & Dragons

S01E07 The Demon Hand

S01E08 Vick's Chip

S01E09 What He Beheld


S02E01 Samson and Delilah

S02E02 Automatic for the People

S02E03 The Mousetrap

S02E04 Allison from Palmdale

S02E05 Goodbye to All That

S02E06 The Tower Is Tall but the Fall Is Short

S02E07 Brothers of Nablus

S02E08 Mr. Ferguson Is Ill Today

S02E09 Complications

S02E10 Strange Things Happen at the One Two Point

S02E11 Self Made Man

S02E12 Alpine Fields

S02E13 Earthlings Welcome Here

S02E14 The Good Wound

S02E15 Desert Cantos

S02E16 Some Must Watch, While Some Must Sleep

S02E17 Ourselves Alone

S02E18 Today Is the Day

S02E19 Last Voyage of the Jimmy Carter

S02E20 To the Lighthouse

S02E21 Adam Raised a Cain

S02E22 Born to Run

brief summary:
Set after the events in 'Terminator 2' Sarah Connor and her son John, trying to stay under-the-radar from the government as they plot to destroy
the computer network Skynet in hopes of preventing Armageddon

Picks up four years after the events of Terminator 2: Judgment Day with John and Sarah Connor hiding from the government
After two years in one place Sarah decides they need a change of scenery

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