

Geplaatst op woensdag 08 maart 2023 @ 13:42 door -Postman- , 287 keer bekeken

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TV series 2011-2015 | action, adventure, drama, science fiction | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 Live and Learn

S01E02 The Armory

S01E03 Prisoner of War

S01E04 Grace

S01E05 Silent Kill

S01E06 Sanctuary (1)

S01E07 Sanctuary (2)

S01E08 What Hides Beneath

S01E09 Mutiny

S01E10 Eight Hours


S02E01 Worlds Apart

S02E02 Shall We Gather at the River

S02E03 Compass

S02E04 Young Bloods

S02E05 Love and Other Acts of Courage

S02E06 Homecoming

S02E07 Molon Labe

S02E08 Death March

S02E09 The Price of Greatness

S02E10 A More Perfect Union


S03E01 On Thin Ice

S03E02 Collateral Damage

S03E03 Badlands

S03E04 At All Costs

S03E05 Search and Recover

S03E06 Be Silent and Come Out

S03E07 The Pickett Line

S03E08 Strange Brew

S03E09 Journey to Xilbalba

S03E10 Brazil


S04E01 Ghost in the Machine

S04E02 The Eye

S04E03 Exodus

S04E04 Evolve or Die

S04E05 Mind Wars

S04E06 Door Number Three

S04E07 Saturday Night Massacre

S04E08 A Thing with Feathers

S04E09 Till Death Do Us Part

S04E10 Drawing Straws

S04E11 Space Oddity

S04E12 Shoot the Moon


S05E01 Find Your Warrior

S05E02 Hunger Pains

S05E03 Hatchlings

S05E04 Pope Breaks Bad

S05E05 Non-Essential Personnel

S05E06 Respite

S05E07 Everybody Has Their Reasons

S05E08 Stalag 14th Virginia

S05E09 Reunion

S05E10 Reborn

      Falling Skies:


brief summary:
After a global invasion by several races of extraterrestrials that neutralizes the world's power grid and technology, quickly destroys the combined
militaries of all the world's countries, and apparently kills over 90% of the human population within a few days, the chaotic aftermath of an alien attack
has left most of the world completely incapacitated

In the six months since the initial invasion, the few survivors have banded together outside major cities to begin the difficult task of fighting back
Each day is a test of survival as citizen soldiers work to protect the people in their care while also engaging in an insurgency campaign against the
occupying alien force

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This blog features media from various outlets and channels - We have no connection with the sites or the servers, we are just providing information
We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
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