

Geplaatst op zondag 22 mei 2022 @ 17:42 door -Postman- , 480 keer bekeken

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TV series 1996-1998 | adventure, fantasy, action | status: cancelled/ended | enhanced video quality


S01E01 Return of Sinbad (1)

S01E02 Return of Sinbad (2)

S01E03 The Beast Within

S01E04 Still Life

S01E05 The Ronin

S01E06 Little Miss Magic

S01E07 King Firouz

S01E08 The Ties That Bind

S01E09 Double Trouble

S01E10 Conundrum

S01E11 The Prince Who Wasn't

S01E12 The Village Vanishes

S01E13 Masked Marauders

S01E14 The Ghoul's Tale

S01E15 The Rescue

S01E16 The Eyes of Kratos

S01E17 The Bully

S01E18 Monument

S01E19 Trickster

S01E20 The Siren's Song

S01E21 Isle of Bliss

S01E22 The Vengeance of Rumina


S02E01 The Sacrifice

S02E02 The Return of the Ronin

S02E03 Heart and Soul

S02E04 The Voyage to Hell

S02E05 Ali Rashid and the Thieves

S02E06 The Gift

S02E07 The Curse of the Gorgons

S02E08 The Beast of Basra

S02E09 The Monster

S02E10 The Passengers

S02E11 The Invaders

S02E12 The Book of Before

S02E13 A City Under Plague

S02E14 The Empress

S02E15 Castle Keep

S02E16 The Gryphon's Tale

S02E17 The Beast of the Dark

S02E18 Survival Run

S02E19 The Minotaur

S02E20 Stalkers

S02E21 The Guardians

S02E22 Hell House

brief summary:
The Adventures of Sinbad is a re-telling of the adventures of the famous character from The Arabian Nights
Sinbad, along with his elder brother, Doubar, and the crew of his ship, the Nomad, sets sail from Baghdad in search of adventure and riches
Along the way the voyagers encounter strange tribes, evil wizards and giant sea monsters intent on destroying them

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This blog features media from various outlets and channels - We have no connection with the sites or the servers, we are just providing information
We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
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