

Geplaatst op donderdag 19 september 2024 @ 13:46 door -Postman- , 57 keer bekeken

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TV series 1977-1987 | comedy, drama, romance | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 The Captain and the Lady/One If by Land/Centerfold

S01E02 Oh, Dale!/The Main Event/A Tasteful Affair

S01E03 Ex Plus Y/Graham and Kelly/Goldenagers

S01E04 Message for Maureen/The Acapulco Connection/Gotcha

S01E05 Help, Murder/Isaac the Groupie/Mr. Popularity

S01E06 The Joker Is Mild/First Time Out/Take My Granddaughter, Please

S01E07 Identical Problem/Julie's Old Flame/The Jinx

S01E08 Lost and Found/The Understudy/Married Singles

S01E09 The Captain's Captain/Hounded/Romance Roulette

S01E10 Dear Beverly/The Strike/Special Delivery

S01E11 Lonely at the Top/Divorce Me, Please/Silent Night

S01E12 The Old Man and the Runaway/A Fine Romance/The Painters

S01E13 Cinderella Story/Family Reunion/Too Hot to Handle

S01E14 Isaac's Double Standard/One More Time/Chimpanzeeshines

S01E15 Hollywood Royalty/The Caper/The Eyes of Love/Masquerade (Pt. 1)

S01E16 Hollywood Royalty/The Caper/The Eyes of Love/Masquerade (Pt. 2)

S01E17 The Congressman Was Indiscreet/Isaac's History Lesson/Winner Take Love

S01E18 Last of the Stubings/Million Dollar Man/The Sisters

S01E19 The Inspector/A Very Special Girl/Until the Last Goodbye

S01E20 Computerman/Parlez-Vous/Memories of You

S01E21 Taking Sides/A Friendly Little Game/Going by the Book

S01E22 Parents Know Best/A Selfless Love/The Nubile Nurse

S01E23 Musical Cabins

S01E24 This Business of Love/Crash Diet Crush/I'll Never Fall in Love Again

S01E25 Gopher, the Rebel/Cabin Fever/Pacific Princess Overture


S02E01 Marooned/The Search/Isaac's Holiday (1)

S02E02 Marooned/The Search/Isaac's Holiday (2)

S02E03 Julie's Dilemma/Who's Who?/Rocky

S02E04 The Man Who Loved Women/A Different Girl/Oh, My Aching Brother

S02E05 Where Is It Written?/Julie's Aunt/The Big Deal

S02E06 The Kissing Bandit/Mike and Ike/The Witness

S02E07 Ship of Ghouls

S02E08 Accidental Cruise/The Song Is Ended/A Time for Everything/Anoushka

S02E09 Till Death Do Us Part - Maybe/Chubs/Locked Away

S02E10 Tony's Family/Man of the Cloth/Her Own Two Feet

S02E11 Heads or Tails/The Little People/Mona of the Movie

S02E12 The Folks from Home/The Captain's Cup/Legal Eagle

S02E13 Isosceles Triangle/El Kid/The Last Hundred Bucks

S02E14 Double Wedding/The Dummies/Julie Falls Hard

S02E15 Second Time Around/The 'Now' Marriage/My Sister, Irene

S02E16 Gopher's Opportunity/Home Sweet Home/The Switch

S02E17 Like Father, Like Son/Don't Push Me/Second Chance

S02E18 Disco Baby/Alas, Poor Dwyer/After the War/Ticket to Ride/Itsy Bitsy (Part 1)

S02E19 Disco Baby/Alas, Poor Dwyer/After the War/Ticket to Ride/Itsy Bitsy (Part 2)

S02E20 Dream Boat/Best of Friends/Aftermath

S02E21 A Good and Faithful Servant/Secret Life of Burl Smith/Tug of War/Designated Lover

S02E22 The Decision/Poor Little Rich Girl/Love Me, Love My Dog

S02E23 Funny Valentine/The Wallflower/A Home Is Not a Home

S02E24 Ages of Man/Families/Bo 'n' Sam

S02E25 Sounds of Silence/Cyrano de Bricker/Murder on the High Seas

S02E26 Super Mom/I'll See You Again/April's Return

S02E27 Third Wheel/Grandmother's Day/Second String Mom


S03E01 Alaska Wedding Cruise: Carol & Doug/Peter & Alicia/Julie/Buddy & Portia (1)

S03E02 Alaska Wedding Cruise: Carol & Doug/Peter & Alicia/Julie/Buddy & Portia (2)

S03E03 Oldies but Goodies/The Grass Is Always Greener/Three Stages of Love

S03E04 Doc, Be Patient/Dance With Me/Going My Way

S03E05 The Audit Couple/The Scoop/My Boyfriend's Back

S03E06 Gopher's Greatest Hits/The Vacation/One Rose a Day

Wordt vervolgd, to be continued....

brief summary:

Passengers who search for romantic nights aboard a beautiful ship travelling to tropical or mysterious countries, decide to pass their vacation aboard
the "Love Boat", where Gopher, Dr. Bricker, Isaac, Julie, and Captain Stubing try their best to please them, and sometimes help them fall in love
Things are not always so easy, but in the end, love wins

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