

Geplaatst op woensdag 08 februari 2023 @ 00:23 door -Postman- , 282 keer bekeken

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TV series 1999-2007 | crime, drama | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 The Sopranos

S01E02 46 Long

S01E03 Denial, Anger, Acceptance

S01E04 Meadowlands

S01E05 College

S01E06 Pax Soprana

S01E07 Down Neck

S01E08 The Legend of Tennessee Moltisanti

S01E09 Boca

S01E10 A Hit Is a Hit

S01E11 Nobody Knows Anything

S01E12 Isabella

S01E13 I Dream of Jeannie Cusamano


S02E01 Guy Walks into a Psychiatrist's Office

S02E02 Do Not Resuscitate

S02E03 Toodle-Fucking-Oo

S02E04 Commendatori

S02E05 Big Girls Don't Cry

S02E06 The Happy Wanderer

S02E07 D-Girl

S02E08 Full Leather Jacket

S02E09 From Where to Eternity

S02E10 Bust Out

S02E11 House Arrest

S02E12 The Knight in White Satin Armor

S02E13 Funhouse


S03E01 Mr. Ruggerio's Neighborhood

S03E02 Proshai, Livushka

S03E03 Fortunate Son

S03E04 Employee of the Month

S03E05 Another Toothpick

S03E06 University

S03E07 Second Opinion

S03E08 He Is Risen

S03E09 The Telltale Moozadell

S03E10 To Save Us All From Satan's Power

S03E11 Pine Barrens

S03E12 Amour Fou

S03E13 Army of One


S04E01 For All Debts Public and Private

S04E02 No-Show

S04E03 Christopher

S04E04 The Weight

S04E05 Pie-O-My

S04E06 Everybody Hurts

S04E07 Watching Too Much Television

S04E08 Mergers and Acquisitions

S04E09 Whoever Did This

S04E10 The Strong, Silent Type

S04E11 Calling All Cars

S04E12 Eloise

S04E13 Whitecaps


S05E01 Two Tonys

S05E02 Rat Pack

S05E03 Where's Johnny?

S05E04 All Happy Families...

S05E05 Irregular Around the Margins

S05E06 Sentimental Education

S05E07 In Camelot

S05E08 Marco Polo

S05E09 Unidentified Black Males

S05E10 Cold Cuts

S05E11 The Test Dream

S05E12 Long Term Parking

S05E13 All Due Respect


S06E01 Members Only

S06E02 Join the Club

S06E03 Mayham

S06E04 The Fleshy Part of the Thigh

S06E05 Mr. & Mrs. Sacramoni Request

S06E06 Live Free or Die

S06E07 Luxury Lounge

S06E08 Johnny Cakes

S06E09 The Ride

S06E10 Moe n' Joe

S06E11 Cold Stones

S06E12 Kaisha

S06E13 Soprano Home Movies

S06E14 Stage 5

S06E15 Remember When

S06E16 Chasing It

S06E17 Walk Like a Man

S06E18 Kennedy and Heidi

S06E19 The Second Coming

S06E20 The Blue Comet

S06E21 Made in America

brief summary:
New Jersey mob boss Tony Soprano deals with personal and professional issues in his home and business life that affect his mental state,
leading him to seek professional psychiatric counseling

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