

Geplaatst op maandag 22 januari 2024 @ 22:11 door -Postman- , 435 keer bekeken

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TV series 2014-current show | crime, drama, mystery, thriller | status: continuing


Season 1: Two Louisiana detectives reunite when a serial killer resurfaces after 17 years

S01E01 The Long Bright Dark

S01E02 Seeing Things

S01E03 The Locked Room

S01E04 Who Goes There?

S01E05 The Secret Fate of All Life

S01E06 Haunted Houses

S01E07 After You've Gone

S01E08 Form and Void


Season 2: A city manager disappears, disrupting a lucrative land scheme

S02E01 The Western Book of the Dead

S02E02 Night Finds You

S02E03 Maybe Tomorrow

S02E04 Down Will Come

S02E05 Other Lives

S02E06 Church in Ruins

S02E07 Black Maps and Motel Rooms

S02E08 Omega Station


Season 3: A retired detective revisits the disappearance of 2 kids 35 years ago

S03E01 The Great War and Modern Memory

S03E02 Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye

S03E03 The Big Never

S03E04 The Hour and the Day

S03E05 If You Have Ghosts

S03E06 Hunters in the Dark

S03E07 The Final Country

S03E08 Now Am Found


Season 4: The men who operate a research station in the Arctic vanish without a trace

S04E01 Night Country - Part 1

S04E02 Night Country - Part 2

S04E03 Night Country - Part 3

S04E04 Night Country - Part 4

S04E05 Night Country - Part 5

Wordt vervolgd, to be continued....

brief summary:
Anthology series in which police investigations unearth the personal and professional secrets of those involved, both within and outside the law

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